Donate Life Florida
My name is Joanne Gill,

On Friday, March 30th, 2013 my 33 year old son Ryan was brutally murdered in Boynton Beach, Florida. Ryan laid down his life to protect others but he was not protected. My son’s attackers ended my time with Ryan on this earth; however, they didn’t get the last word. My son Ryan was an organ donor.

God through my son decided to take this terrible tragedy and turn it around to give the gift of life to others. My son was taken to University of Miami where his organs were harvested and given to 22 people waiting for Ryan’s Gift.

To my surprise I was told that Ryan could help up to 100 people this year. Until this happened, I never understood the importance of organ donation. I think I can speak for myself, family members, and friends when I say I always thought Organ Donation was a nice thing to do, but never really understood the impact it has on survivors and the recipients alike of those organs.

I ask everyone reading this, to please consider becoming an organ donor. My son Ryan was brave enough to stand up for what was right. He was generous enough to pour his life out for others. He continues to give life to others through his decision to become a donor. Ryan’s death has left such an empty space in our lives. As his mother, it gives me great comfort to know there is a part of my son out there helping others. He lives on! He matters! I was blessed to have my son for 33 years and he was a gift in my life. He continues to be a gift in other people’s lives. I ask that you please click on the link below and join Ryan in becoming the gift of life for someone else.

Joanne Gill

Donate Life Florida